Award Announcements Isolation, Characterization, and Bone/Periodontal Regeneration Potential of Exosomes Derived from Human Bone Marrow and Placental Cells Principal Investigator: Georgios KotsakisSponsor: Bio PRF
Award Announcements A Multi-method Study of Momentary Distress Intolerance and Combustible Cigarette Smoking Principal Investigator: Brianna AltmanSponsor: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Award Announcements Is Phytopythium Vexans Causing Disease in Christmas Trees? Principal Investigator: Timothy WallerSponsor: Real Christmas Tree Board
Award Announcements Unveiling CTL1 as the Key Choline Transporter in Oligodendrocytes: Implication for Myelin Formation and Maintenance Principal Investigator: Haesun KimSponsor: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Award Announcements Motivation, Reward, and Longevity as Influenced by Dopamine, Serotonin, and Metabolism Principal Investigator: Yang LyuSponsor: American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR)
Award Announcements Development of a Disease Risk Evaluation Service Using a Pathogen Quantification Assay to Guide Precision Fungicide Application in Turfgrass Landscapes in New Jersey Principal Investigator: Ming-Yi ChouSponsor: New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA)