Inventor(s): Deirdre O’Carroll, Sneha Sreekumar, Haydee Pacheco

Date Awarded: May 2023


Our technology integrates photonic nanostructures into the electrodes of OLEDs which are specifically designed to enhance the efficiency of blue emission from OLEDs and inhibit triplet exciton degradation pathways that have historically shortened the operational stability of these devices. The technology solves a significant problem in the OLED display and lighting industry – commercial blue OLEDs consume more than twice as much electricity as red and green OLEDs, and their operational stability is almost an order of magnitude less than their counterparts. With TV, smartphone, and portable display manufacturers actively searching for solutions to this blue OLED problem, our approach is crucial in developing the next generation of display and lighting technologies. What sets our technology apart is it is not specific to a particular class of blue-emitting organic semiconductor, and it can potentially be extended to enhance the performance of red and green OLEDs as well.

Blue OLED O'Carroll

Market Applications:

  • Backlighting OLED panels
  • Full-color display manufacturing
  • Microdisplays for virtual/augmented reality
  • Segmented displays for automotive and architectural lighting