Post-processing spray chamber

Inventor(s): Jonathan Singer

Date Awarded: May 2019


Our technology is a post-processing spray chamber that could be added as an accessory to an additive manufacturing system. This system would deposit conformal coatings of functional materials to finished prints with either dense or nanostructured porosity using our proprietary technology. Our currently-demonstrated electrospray technology can coat 3D objects in ambient conditions, efficiently using materials without the need for a bath or vacuum chamber. Our system extends this to a self-contained machine that is portable, affordable, and has a user-friendly software interface for coating. A coupled post-processing system that is compatible with rapid manufacturing will both provide utility to a considerable fraction of the existing 3D printer users and also create new opportunities for applications that are not currently possible.

 Market applications:

  • Anti-corrosive/anti-fouling coatings for metal components
  • Anti-inflammatory coatings for medical implants
  • Color or glossy coatings for aesthetic purposes
  • Nanoparticle coatings for catalytic or sensing applications