NJ ACTS Community Scientist Program

The NJ ACTS Community Engagement Core (CEC) has launched the NJ ACTS Community Scientist Program (CSP). The CEC is looking to engage future Community Scientists interested in participating in human subjects' research.


The NJ ACTS Community Scientist Program aims to foster partnerships between community partners interested in being involved in research and researchers looking to engage the community in their research. It is designed to provide community friendly training in the ethics and responsible conduct of research to community members, as well as provide opportunities for networking with researchers and other community scientists.

Each participant who completes the NJ ACTS Community Scientist Program will receive a Community Scientist Digital Badge which can be displayed on LinkedIn. There are three steps to completing the NJ ACTS Community Scientist Program and receiving the digital badge (more details below).

To learn more and register for the program, visit the Community Engagement Core website.

Requirements of Completion for Community Scientist Badge

  • Completion of the University of Illinois CIRTification training program in human research protections that is tailored to the unique roles of community research partners. Learn more about CIRTification here.

  • Six active participation sessions with experts on each topic.
    Sessions Description
    1. Clinical and Translational Science Describes translational science and the role that Community Scientists play in this field.
    2. IRB & Human Subject Protections Addresses the basic makeup and tasks of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) and types of approval processes used to grant research study approval.
    3. Research Ethics Addresses research concerns and historical events that took place leading to the development IRBs and current research subject protections.
    4. Clinical Trials Discusses clinical trials and their significance in research.
    5. Special Populations & Cultural Diversity in Research Discusses the concept of cultural diversity in research and how Community Scientists can ensure their perspectives are represented and respected in research studies.
    6. Stakeholder Engagement Discusses the value of stakeholder engagement and perspectives, particularly from community members.


  • Results in successful match with an investigator, research team and/or research office to serve as an advisor.

    For example, past graduates are participating as advisors to individual studies and to the Community Engagement Core of NJ ACTS. Others may choose to match with the Rutgers IRB and serve on one of their review boards.