Busch Biomedical Grant Program
Enhancing biomedical research at Rutgers University.
Sponsored by the Office for Research, the Busch Biomedical Grant program is designed to enhance biomedical research at the university and to strengthen the competitive position of faculty members who seek external research funds. The program is funded by the interest income from the Charles and Johanna Busch bequest to reflect the wishes of Charles Busch.
The program has two funding tracks:
- Early Career Pilot Grants - Single investigator awards from early-career investigators.
- New Direction Pilot Grants - Single investigator awards for mid- and senior-career investigators to facilitate exploration of innovative new projects in basic or fundamental biomedical research that illustrate a significant departure from the applicant’s previously funded work.
In 1971, Charles L. Busch passed away and left $10 million to Rutgers University. The University Heights Campus was renamed the Busch Campus and, as called for in Mr. Busch’s will, a Charles and Johanna Busch Memorial Fund was created. A portion of the interest on the invested bequest is annually assigned to the Office for Research to conduct a university-wide, competitive program for grants in the biomedical sciences.