Research Pathology Acknowledgements

Research Pathology Services (RPS) is a shared facility functioning under the Office for Research. To help support continued development and access to this valuable resource, please acknowledge the services provided by the core in your posters, papers, publications, and grant applications. Also, consider including the names of the RPS staff scientists as co-authors in publications if they provide scientific/intellectual input or additional effort to your research. We look forward to our continued contribution to the scientific community at Rutgers.

RPS is supported/subsidized by the National Institutes of Health through the following grants:

  • R01ES031285
  • R01AT009152
  • R01AT008933
  • R01CA224550
  • R01ES029275
  • R01CA225830
  • R01DK112782
  • R01AI072425

Please acknowledge these funding sources in RAPPS and publications that include data generated at Research Pathology Services. Basic policies related to communicating and acknowledging federal funding sources in your publications can be found at