Become a Core Facility

The approach below complies with the Research Core Services Policy (90.3.1) and the Service Center Policy (40.2.25).

Exploratory Phase

Review the Research Core Services Policy (90.3.1).

Determine if the research core facility should be centrally-managed or locally managed.  Detailed descriptions and requirements for each type of research core is outlined in the Research Core Services Policy (90.3.1).

Obtain approval from RCM unit leadership (Dean/Director) and department head.

Develop a business plan.  Use business plan tips (below) and budget template for guidance.

Application Phase

Complete the Core Facility Questionnaire and contact the Cost Analysis and Reporting Group with questions.

Obtain approval.

For centrally-managed research cores, a memorandum of understanding must be developed between the funding units and the Office for Research.  This can be facilitated by contacting the Vice President for University Core Services.

For locally-managed research cores a letter co-signed by the department chair and Dean/Director of the corresponding RCM unit delineating details of physical and financial support must be obtained.

Submit all documentation outlined in the Research Core Services Policy (90.3.1) to the Universitywide Core Services Finance team at  This team will work with you to facilitate the review process.

Compliance Review

The Rutgers University Finance group will review the application to ensure compliance with Federal Regulations that govern the costs that are allowed to be charged to federal grants (Uniform Guidance 200.468b). Any Facility that charges federal grants in a fee-for-service capacity is subject to these regulations. Rates must be designed to recover only the aggregate costs of the services and shall be adjusted at least every other year, taking into consideration any operating deficit or surplus of the previous period(s). Over time, the service center should break even or recover no more than the total cost of providing the product or service. Allowable costs typically include:

Labor (salary and fringe for staff)

Operating supplies and materials

Service contracts for core equipment

Depreciation on non-federally purchased equipment (not included in the F&A cost pool)

Scientific Review

The application will be reviewed by the universitywide core services team and the Senior Vice President for Research to evaluate the scientific need and to ensure the proposed research core facility does not replicate other services that are available in other university cores.

Business Plan Tips

Consider the following when developing your business plan:

The estimated size of customer base.

The frequency and method of collecting revenues and the basis on which revenue is billed.

Detailed five-year projections of costs and revenues.

A five-year capital budget for equipment and other capital expenditures.

A rate schedule supported by documentation of cost and use estimates for the first fiscal year.

A cost object that would be used to cover any deficits (a default cost object).

A person who will be responsible for the operation of the service center.

Support for Creating a New Core Facility

Support for creating a new core facility is provided by the Office for Research and University Finance and Administration.  Roles and responsibilities of each unit are below:

Accordion Content

  • Cost Analysis & Capital Equipment Management 

    Review and approve service center rates that charge sponsored projects. Approve initial rates for all new service center sales activity.  Perform financial compliance reviews of service centers and follow up on management action plans[2] (where applicable). Review service center sales revenues, expenses, rates, and business plans to evaluate financial solvency. Work with the business manager to identify options for covering any deficits or disallowances created by service center sales activity under their direction. Recommend and monitor resolution to the handling of variances.

    Responsible for updating the accounting system for all capital equipment. Capital Equipment Management will assist departments to determine depreciable life of capital equipment, appropriate method for disposal of capital equipment, and identification of capital equipment purchased with federal funds so that the department can appropriately account for all capital equipment related to the service center activities.

    Develop and update service center policy website content, training materials, guidelines, and procedures. Ensure ongoing compliance with university Policy and Procedures related to service center sales.  Update and document the Disclosure Statement as required by the Uniform Guidance.

  • Determine appropriate service center activity classification and approve Service Center/Core Facility establishment/business continuation. Support Cost Analysis and Capital Equipment Management in reviewing and approving rates for academic-based service centers, core facilities, and specialized service centers. Review SSF and research core sales activity meeting the definition of Specialized Service Facilities. Track and collect information for biennial reviews of existing cores. Provide support for the University's core administration application. Provide general counseling to cores across all four CLUs and support to core services, including participating in core advisory committees.

  • (within the service center/core facility)

    Prepare business plans, rate development, and analysis. Responsible for day-to-day operations and compliance in the service center. Compile & maintain inventory of equipment included in rates. Notify Cost Analysis and Capital Equipment Management of service center equipment included in rates and work with them to confirm appropriate annual depreciation expense. Comply with established university policies and related procedures.