
Dr. Peter Romanienko obtained his PhD training from Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences/Sloan Kettering Institute working on DNA repair in Dr. Maria Jasin's laboratory and then continued working on mechanisms of DNA damage response in vivo in Dan Camerini-Otero's laboratory at NIH. After the NIH, he joined Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and instituted a comprehensive mouse colony management service and supported the generation of new GEMMs. While at MSKCC, he introduced the use of gene editing to make mouse models, first with TALENS and then CRISPR/Cas9. After gaining extensive experience applying these novel methods that have revolutionized modern research, he moved to Rutgers Cancer Institute to setup and run the new Genome Editing Shared Resource. While at Rutgers, the resource has generated well over 100 novel mouse lines using CRISPR/Cas9, supports all facets of mouse model use at the university and works to develop and introduce new methodologies.