eIRB & eIRB+
Electronic IRB Submission Online System (eIRB) for the routing and tracking of IRB submissions.
eIRB Information
Online Submission Instructions
- Prepare all of your supporting documents to be attached with your eIRB Application (research protocol, consent forms, site approvals, etc)
- Access eIRB using your Rutgers NetID.
- Complete the eIRB online application.
- Respond to any requests for revisions or clarifications if requested, otherwise your IRB Approval Letter will be emailed to the PI.
***For Currently Approved Paper Studies: The submission procedures for ongoing paper studies are different and does not utilize the eIRB Online system. See below for more information.
- eIRB Quick Reference Guide For Department Reviewer (PDF)
- eIRB Quick Reference Guide for Investigators (PDF)
- eIRB Quick Guide For IRB Committee Reviewer (PDF)
- eIRB User Manual For Department Reviewers (PDF)
- eIRB User Manual For Research Staff (PDF)
- eIRB User Manual For IRB Committee Members (PDF)
- eIRB User Manual for IRB Staff
- eIRB Training Presentation for IRB Committee Members (PowerPoint)
Rutgers Guest IDs for eIRB are only issued to individuals who
- Are newly appointed faculty/staff and require access to eIRB for a work-related purpose prior to receiving your NetID from OIT.
- Are retiring from Rutgers after ten years or more of employment
- Are a non-affiliated member of the IRB
- Have a unique or specific circumstance as determined by the IRB office.
You DO NOT need a guest ID for eIRB if –
- You have a Rutgers NetID
- You are not engaged in human subjects research
- You are not affiliated with Rutgers
If your research involves collaboration with other researchers who do not have NetIDs, here is what you will need to do to add them to your research:
Your collaborator does NOT need a Guest ID for eIRB. Instead:
If your collaborator is engaged in human subjects research (see our engagement tool):
- Within your protocol you will indicate your collaboration.
- In section 5.1 of the eIRB application you will add the collaborator’s institution as a site.
- If your study is Exempt human subjects research, in section 5.1 of the eIRB application you will add a determination from the IRB at your collaborator’s institution.
- If your study is non-exempt human subjects research and the collaborator is at a site in another country, 5.1 of the eIRB application you will add a determination from the IRB (or equivalent ethics board) at your collaborator’s institution.
- If your study is non-exempt human subjects research occurring domestically, please contact the IRB Reliance team to discuss setting up a reliance agreement with the collaborator’s institution. IRBRelianceTeam@research.rutgers.edu
If your collaborator is NOT engaged in human subjects research (see our engagement tool):
- Within your protocol you will indicate your collaboration and summarize the person’s role in the study.
The Rutgers Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and IRB offer eIRB+ Virtual Training Workshops. These Zoom-based workshops are designed to provide a step-by-step tutorial on using the electronic submission system known as eIRB+ and offer a Q&A session. They are open to all Rutgers faculty, staff, and students.
To register for a workshop, visit crs.rutgers.edu, the Research Course Registration System (CRS). Registration is mandatory to secure your spot, and you'll receive a confirmation along with the Zoom meeting link directly from the CRS system. Please be aware that sessions without confirmed registration 2 days before the session date will be automatically canceled. If you've registered but can't attend, kindly withdraw your registration within 24 hours of the session.
The workshops typically run for about an hour, sometimes longer. Feel free to leave early if needed. The instructor will share post-session resources (but not the full PowerPoint) via email.
Need Help?
If you have any questions regarding your eIRB submission, please contact the IRB Office (IRBOffice@research.rutgers.edu)