Graduate Student Tuition Rates

Graduate Students Tuition Rates on Sponsored Programs

All proposals (including resubmissions, competing renewals, continuations, and supplements) that include support for graduate research assistants (GA) should also include a proportional amount of tuition unless the sponsor does not allow tuition costs. Salary, fringe benefits, and tuition should each be charged to the grant proportionally at the percent of effort the GA dedicates to the project.

The tuition and fee rates for each academic year are approved by the Rutgers Board of Governors and vary based on school affiliation, campus, and program. Please refer to Tuition & Fees Rates for the current academic year tuition and fees schedules.

Pursuant to NOT-OD-02-017, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) applies a cap to the maximum amount of compensation on a GA supported on a grant or a cooperative agreement (see Graduate Student Compensation.  This amount includes salary or wages, fringe benefits, and tuition remission and is tied to zero level National Research Service Award (NRSA) stipend in effect at the time the grant award is issued. The FY24 schedule for NRSA stipends can be found at NOT-OD-24-104

The FY23 GA maximum compensation for NIH proposals and awards is $61,008.