HRPP / IRB Education
Researcher Education Requirements
All researchers involved in human subjects research must complete their education requirements prior to conducting research.
Required Training for Researchers and IRB Board Members
Keeping abreast of your training requirements is important to ensure compliance in your research endeavors. Below you will find the required CITI training courses for Researchers conducting Human Subjects Research.

CIRTification Training for Individuals at Community Organizations
New Human Subjects Research Training Option for Individuals in Community Organizations: Effective July 1, 2022, The Rutgers Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) will begin offering an alternative educational training option for human subject research known as CIRTification.

Recommended Educational Opportunities
The Rutgers Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and IRB offer eIRB+ Virtual Training Workshops. These Zoom-based workshops are designed to provide a step-by-step tutorial on using the electronic submission system known as eIRB+ and offer a Q&A session. They are open to all Rutgers faculty, staff, and students.
To register for a workshop, visit, the Research Course Registration System (CRS). Registration is mandatory to secure your spot, and you'll receive a confirmation along with the Zoom meeting link directly from the CRS system. Please be aware that sessions without confirmed registration 2 days before the session date will be automatically canceled. If you've registered but can't attend, kindly withdraw your registration within 24 hours of the session.
The workshops typically run for about an hour, sometimes longer. Feel free to leave early if needed. The instructor will share post-session resources (but not the full PowerPoint) via email.
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) via the CITI Online Training Website
- Clinical Research Coordinator via the CITI Online Training Website
The following sites regularly provide human subjects research related webinars. You are welcome to access those sites directly for additional educational resources.
Please note that we do not control the content of these externally provided webinars and therefore, we cannot attest to the accuracy of the information they provide.