Celebrating Dr. Evelyn M. Witkin's 100th Birthday and Research Accomplishments

Join the celebration of Rutgers scientist and pioneer for women in the biological sciences Evelyn Witkin's centennial year and her landmark discoveries at this public symposium and dedication of the Waksman Institute's new research building as the "Evelyn M. Witkin Laboratory."
Witkin was a Rutgers University Professor from 1971-1991, a Waksman Institute Laboratory Director from 1983-1991, and she has been a Rutgers and Waksman emerita scientist from 1992 through the present. She performed high-impact research in bacterial molecular genetics and discovered the transcription repair coupling factor, Mfd, in 1973. She also discovered inducible DNA repair ("SOS repair") in 1975.
Witkin was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1977, and she was awarded the Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal for Genetics in 2000, the National Medal of Science in 2002, the Wiley Prize in Biomedical Science in 2015, and the Lasker Prize in Basic Medical Research in 2015.
A recent Rutgers Today article celebrating Dr. Evelyn Witkin and her accomplishments.