Gnotobiotic Core Staff

Rielmer Pinedo Coral
Rielmer has over a decade of experience in the gnotobiotics field and specializes in rederivation of germfree mice lines.

LaTisha V. Moody
Dr. Moody earned her doctorate of veterinary medicine in 2014 at NC State Veterinary school and has over a decade of experience in the laboratory animal medical field.

Garry Cozier
Gnotobiotic Technician - Garry joined Rutgers in 2018 and joined the Gnotobiotic Core in November 2022.
About Us
The Rutgers University Gnotobiotic Core, located on the Newark Campus, provides resources and support for gnotobiotic and germ-free mouse experiments. The core maintains a germ-free colony with C57BL/6 and Swiss webster mice which are available for Rutgers investigators. Our germ-free mice are completely free of exogenous, bacterial, fungal and viral microorganisms and are screened frequently. These mice are ideal for the study of the microbiome which is growing field. The Gnotobiotic Core also provides investigators with a laboratory that contains a biosafety cabinet, incubator and access to an anaerobic chamber. The Gnotobiotic Core provides the following types of technical services to researcher as per their protocol needs: hands-on training, colony management and breeding of germ-free mice; injections; blood collection; identification; fecal collection; tissue collection for genotyping; sterility testing; sterile supplies for experiments; health monitoring; rederivations.
To arrange for collaborative projects, schedule a facility tour or training, please contact the gnotobiotic email list serve:
To schedule a fit test for chemical respirators during open fit testing on Newark Campus
Due to the use of high concentration sterilant Clidox-S, any investigators that will need to use sterilant for germ-free experiments will be required to be fit tested for a half-faced chemical respirator. For employees (staff, residents, research personnel) that require respiratory protection, you must comply with the medical clearance and training requirements first before contacting REHS for a fit test appointment. Once compliant, REHS only performs fit testing during established open and/or walk in fit test dates already scheduled. Appointments are offered at least once a month.
To make an appointment, view the Medical Science Building fit test schedule (choose RWJMS or NJMS location).
Contact Us
Gnotobiotic Core
Medical Science Building MSB-A683
185 South Orange Avenue
Newark, NJ 07101-1709