Variety: Variegated Stellar Pink® Principal Investigator(s): Elwin Orton, Dennie Hill
Strengths & Qualities
Exhibits green leaves with a white margin and dispersed green, and mottled hues of green and white in several shades, rather than the solid green leaves.
Propagated asexually by grafting buds from the mutant variegated branch onto Cornus kousa seedling understock. This commercial propagation method has shown the variegated foliage to be stable throughout the new tree.
All other observable horticultural traits of the Variegated Stellar Pink® trees are like those of the original Stellar Pink® dogwood with the exception that the fall color of the foliage of the variegated plants is more brilliant and multi-colored.
The floral bracts are expected to be like those of Stellar Pink®, except young trees have so far shown the highly unusual and attractive margin around each bract.
Intellectual Property
US Plant Patent No. PP24,952 issued October 7, 2014
Interspecific Cornus Hybrid Tree Named 'KV10-105v1'
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