NIH Grants Pending Closeout

NIH Grants Pending Closeout

This query will return a list of NIH Research grants due for Closeout for the selected NIH Institutional Profile File (IPF) over the last number of days selected.

The default is set to be 120 days (the maximum) but can but adjusted for a shorter time frame. To find an institution, you must enter the complete IPF number. This query will not include non-NIH grants or NIH fellowships. This list may be imported easily into other programs for sorting, printing or just saving. Save the output file as an .HTM file and then open with your favorite spreadsheet or word processing program.

The Project Period End Date column of the report output indicates the date used to determine eligibility for Closeout. The No-Cost Extension Used column indicates whether or not the final budget period has been extended. The Final Reports Due Date column identifies the date all final reports are due in compliance with the NIH Grants Policy Statement.

Current Schools
Current Schools NIH IPF Direct Link to Closeout List
Rutgers, New Brunswick 1196203 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, Newark 1196204 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, Camden 1196202 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences 10034168 Grants Pending Closeout (
Legacy Schools (phased out as part of RBHS Consolidation)
Legacy Schools NIH IPF Direct Link to Closeout List
Rutgers, RBHS 10034160 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, RBHS-RWJMS 10034170 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, RBHS-CINJ 10034166 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, RBHS-SPH 10034175 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, RBHS-NJMS 10034169 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, RBHS-RSDM 10034172 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, RBHS-SHP 10034173 Grants Pending Closeout (
Rutgers, RBHS-SN 10034174 Grants Pending Closeout (